Custom iOS & Mobile Apps

Your database, right away, in your hands

person holding black Android smartphone
Photo by Daniel Korpai

iOS Apps

FileMaker-to-iOS conversion enables you to harness the power of mobility.

We can efficiently convert your FileMaker databases into iOS mobile apps, making them readily available on the App Store. We aim to assist businesses like yours in delivering the convenience of mobile applications to users.

Rest assured, we keep our eyes on the latest advancements of technology. We’ve made iOS apps that utilize NFC scanning, an incredible tool worth researching for use in your business. We’ve also begun testing FileMaker applications in Apple Vision Pro and are actively imagining potential uses for this upcoming device.

Filemaker Go Apps

Filemaker Go instantly brings your live database to iPhone and iPad. All the same functionality as the desktop application, plus:

  • Collect job data in the field, and update the database instantly
  • Access information on mobile
  • Capture signatures for invoices or delivery receipts
  • Add photos, videos, and audio from your device directly
  • Scan and insert barcodes or QR codes
  • NFC reading

FileMaker Go solutions can work standalone on the device or connect to a central system hosted on FileMaker Server.

Mobile UI/UX

We employ a UI/UX designer to create mobile-friendly interfaces for our solutions. We understand that good UI design is needed to optimize for smaller screens, touch interactions, and mobile-specific features like gestures and swipes. 

If you have an existing solution in need of a mobile interface, we can help. Mobile interfaces can later be deployed on either the App Store or on Filemaker Go.

By NexTecH

A Collaboration of Technology Integration Specialists